Saturday Coffee Talking.....

Now human is second most intelligent being in this planet.

The man often touted as the godfather of AI has quit Google, citing concerns over the flood of misinformation, the possibility for AI to upend the job market, and the “existential risk” posed by the creation of a true digital intelligence.

Dr Geoffrey Hinton, who with two of his students at the University of Toronto built a neural net in 2012, quit Google this week, as first reported by the New York Times.

Hinton, 75, said he quit to speak freely about the dangers of AI, and in part regrets his contribution to the field. He was brought on by Google a decade ago to help develop the company’s AI technology, and the approach he pioneered led the way for current systems such as ChatGPT.





















Oh so much to ponder...... it's just the coffee talking again


And we are supposed to care... why?

It's only been 2 weeks.

Newsmax - the Elon Musk story
SUNDAY at 9:PM Eastern

It's Just the Coffee Talking.... the things being uncovered now that the truth is coming out about USAID







Pondering........ it's just the coffee talking again.



Gen Z is on track to be the most anxious, fragile, and risk-averse generation in decades—why? Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt argues that overprotection, social media, and a fear of failure have held them back from reaching their full potential.

Who is Gen Z?

Generation Z (born 1997–2012) is the first generation to grow up fully immersed in the digital world—shaped by smartphones, social media, and an increasingly anxious culture.

Why Are They Less Successful Than They Could Have Been?

Jonathan Haidt explains that Gen Z struggles more with mental health, resilience, and real-world experience due to three key factors:

  1. Overprotection: A structured, safety-focused upbringing left fewer opportunities for independence and problem-solving.
  2. Social Media & Screen Time: Heavy use of platforms like Instagram and TikTok increased anxiety, shortened attention spans, and reduced face-to-face interactions.
  3. Fear of Failure & Cancel Culture: A culture of perfectionism and fear of public shaming makes Gen Z hesitant to take risks, fail, and grow—essential steps toward success.

It's Just the Coffee Talking...


2 million dollars for sex changes in Guatemala
6 million to fund tourism... in Egypt
20 million on a new Sesame Street style show in Iraq
4.5 million to combat 'disinformation' in... Kazakhstan
and the list goes on.





As a parent there is no way I'd help pay for college if my kid was wasting their time and money taking these kinds of classes.  Thankfully my kids are more intelligent than this anyway.  My daughter was making fun of the students wasting money on classes on 'Beyonce' and 'Lord of the Rings' when she was signing up for her classes.  Then again, they probably had grants and free rides and didn't care how they spent their free money. 










Ponder... who the people have been behind the majority of the mass shootings in the past 10 years.
Especially the past 5.
Ponder... research... ponder more.









Saturday Coffee Talking.....

Now human is second most intelligent being in this planet. The man often touted as the godfather of AI has quit Google, citing concerns ov...